Contributions published at Human Resource Management

Show abstractSeraina Morf, Workplace Bullying Policy, University of Zurich, Faculty of Economics, Business Administration and Information Technology, 2014. (Bachelor's Thesis)
Dominic Hess, Analyse von Beförderungsprozessen aus dem Blickwinkel der Gerechtigkeitsforschung , University of Zurich, Faculty of Economics, Business Administration and Information Technology, 2014. (Bachelor's Thesis)
Anna Sender-Jedrzejewska, Employee turnover in China and in Switzerland – lessons learned from comparative research project, In: 2014 Academy of Management Annual Meeting. 2014. (Conference Presentation)
Jamie Lee Gloor, Multi-level analysis of supply- and demand-side contributors to the problematic professorship pipeline, In: Academy of Management (Human Resource Division Doctoral Colloquium). 2014. (Conference Presentation)
Show abstractAndrea Tschopp, Der Zusammenhang zwischen Neid am Arbeitsplatz und Arbeitsbeziehungen, University of Zurich, Faculty of Economics, Business Administration and Information Technology, 2014. (Bachelor's Thesis)
Anna Sender-Jedrzejewska, Vom Fairplay im Talentmanagement, HR-Today, 2014. (Journal Article)
Robin Küttel, Einfluss von Leader-member Exchange auf Coworker Support , University of Zurich, Faculty of Economics, Business Administration and Information Technology, 2014. (Bachelor's Thesis)
Anna Glünkin, Soziale Unterstützung im Dreiecksverhältnis der Temporärarbeit, University of Zurich, Faculty of Economics, Business Administration and Information Technology, 2014. (Bachelor's Thesis)
Luisa Kraus, Wie beeinflussen das Zusammenspiel und die Passung von HR-Praktiken und Unternehmenskultur den Unternehmenserfolg in kleinen und mittelständischen Unternehmen (KMU)?, University of Zurich, Faculty of Economics, Business Administration and Information Technology, 2014. (Bachelor's Thesis)
Andrea Zaugg, Wechselbeziehungen zwischen Co-worker Support und Kündigungsabsicht , University of Zurich, Faculty of Economics, Business Administration and Information Technology, 2014. (Bachelor's Thesis)
Angelika Bolli, Emotionale Reaktionen von Arbeitnehmern und Arbeitnehmerinnen auf negative Promotionsentscheidungen und dessen Konsequenzen für Unternehmen , University of Zurich, Faculty of Economics, Business Administration and Information Technology, 2014. (Bachelor's Thesis)
Gianluca Scheidegger, Talentmanagement. Eine Untersuchung der kontraproduktiven Nebeneffekte, University of Zurich, Faculty of Economics, Business Administration and Information Technology, 2014. (Bachelor's Thesis)
Anna Sender-Jedrzejewska, Impact of job embeddedness on turnover intentions in China and in Switzerland, In: 13th International Human Resource Management Conference. 2014. (Conference Presentation)
Lea Rutishauser, Employee’s social relations: Influence on employee turnover intention in Switzerland and in China, In: 13th International HRM Conference 2014. 2014. (Conference Presentation)
Heidi Bodenmann, Effects of low wage premium on affective commitment and turnover intention – the mediating role of envy, In: 13th IHRM Conference. 2014. (Conference Presentation)
Bruno Staffelbach, Leadership - Expériences personelles, In: Séminaire Comité International de la Croix Rouge. 2014. (Conference Presentation)
Jamie Lee Gloor, Risky business or subtle sexism? Multi-level assessment of biases and incivility in the academic workplace, In: European Academy of Management Doctoral Colloquium. 2014. (Conference Presentation)
Manuela Christina Morf, Employees’ reactions to job boredom: An examination of buffers , In: Annual European Academy of Management Doctoral Colloquium. 2014. (Conference Presentation)
Stephanie Muriset, Psychologischer Vertrag in kleinen und grossen Unternehmen , University of Zurich, Faculty of Economics, Business Administration and Information Technology, 2014. (Master's Thesis)
Show abstractClaudia Menzi, Employee Socialization: Conclusion for Recruitmen Strategies , University of Zurich, Faculty of Economics, Business Administration and Information Technology, 2014. (Master's Thesis)