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Contribution Details

Type Technical Report
Scope Discipline-based scholarship
Title Towards an Artificial Receptionist: Anticipating a Persons Phone Behavior
Organization Unit
  • Peter Vorburger
  • Abraham Bernstein
Number IFI-2008.0007
Date 2005
Abstract Text People are subjected to a multitude of interruptions, which in some situations are detrimental to their work performance. Consequently, the capability to predict a person’s degree of interruptability (i.e., a measure of detrimental an interruption would be to her current work) can provide a basis for a ?ltering mechanism. This paper introduces a novel approach to predict a person’s presence and interruptability in an of?ce-like environment based on audio, multi-sector motion detection using video, and the time of the day collected as sensor data. Conducting an experiment in a real of?ce environment over the length of more than 40 work days we show that the multisector motion detection data, which to our knowledge has been used for the ?rst time to this end, outperforms audio data both in presence and interruptability. We, furthermore, show, that the combination of all three data-streams improves the interruptability prediction accuracy and robustness. Finally, we use these data to predict a subject’s phone behavior (ignore or accept the incoming phone call) by combining interruptability and the estimated importance of call. We call such an application an arti?cial receptionist. Our analysis also show that the results improve when taking the temporal aspect of the context into account.
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