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Contribution Details

Type Bachelor's Thesis
Scope Discipline-based scholarship
Title Design and Prototypical Implementation of a Verifiable Remote Postal Voting System
Organization Unit
  • Elexa Heggli
  • Christian Killer
  • Jan Von der Assen
  • Burkhard Stiller
  • English
Institution University of Zurich
Faculty Faculty of Business, Economics and Informatics
Date 2022
Zusammenfassung Voting holds an essential value in our society; whether it is a small-scale in-person vote or a worldwide digital election, it provides the means to portray the voter’s opinions. Which, amongst other areas, is vital in democratic politics. Ensuring the privacy of the voters and the accuracy of the voting outcome is key to maintaining democracies all around the world. Therefore, many experts investigate means to provide these two and other vital aspects to current political voting systems. In Switzerland, 90% of voters cast their ballot through the Remote Postal Voting Scheme. A scheme that provides high privacy but lacks verifiability of the voting outcome. An analysis of the SPVS uncovers its threats and gives insight into possibilities for improvement. This thesis introduces a prototype to increase voting verifiability while maintaining the voter’s privacy and the system’s ease of use. Inspired by related work, the prototype tracks the envelopes through UUIDs in QR codes to be scanned by voting officials and voters. A smart contract on the Ethereum blockchain keeps track of the ids throughout each voting instance to minimize the amount of trust placed in the voting authorities. The prototype adds Eligibility Verifiability to the current SPVS and mitigates some threats, especially forgery of voting credentials or the voting envelopes.
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