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Contribution Details

Type Journal Article
Scope Discipline-based scholarship
Title How Should Retailers Respond to Consumer Brand Sabotage
Organization Unit
  • Contribution from another University/Organization than University of Zurich
  • Bettina Nyffenegger
  • Andrea Giuffredi-Kähr
  • Harley Krohmer
  • Wayne D. Hoyer
Item Subtype Original Work
Refereed Yes
Status Published in final form
  • English
Journal Title Journal of the Association for Consumer Research
Publisher University of Chicago Press
Geographical Reach international
ISSN 2378-1823
Volume 3
Number 3
Page Range 379 - 395
Date 2018
Abstract Text In the context of retail branding, the recently identified and conceptualized phenomenon of consumer brand sabotage (CBS) has become highly relevant as CBS does not only harm targeted manufacturer brands but also related retailer brands. Whereas the necessity of a managerial response to CBS seems evident, finding the most effective retailer response appears to be more complex. This article examines potential negative spillover effects from a sabotaged manufacturer brand on the respective retailer. Furthermore, it studies outcomes of different response strategies of retailers and takes important contingency factors (i.e., type of CBS and retailer’s assortment size) and process variables (i.e., fairness perceptions) into account. Based on two large-scale online experiments, this article reveals negative spillover effects from a sabotaged manufacturer brand on the retailer brand and that an adequate response of the retailer (i.e., delisting vs. continuing to carry the brand) can decrease this effect, depending on contingency factors.
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