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Contributions in Merlin

Show abstractLuca Bagnato, Does historical fiscal capacity leave a long-lasting legacy? Evidence from TV tax evasion, In: Working paper series / Department of Economics, No. 424, 2022. (Working Paper)
Show abstractLuca Bagnato, From taxation to fighting for the nation: historical fiscal capacity and military draft evasion during WWI, In: Working paper series / Department of Economics, No. 423, 2024. (Working Paper)
Show abstractNick Netzer, Arthur J Robson, Jakub Steiner, Pavel Kocourek, Endogenous risk attitudes, In: CESifo Working Papers, No. 9547, 2022. (Working Paper)
Show abstractJakub Steiner, Colin Stewart, Pavel Kocourek, Demand in the dark, In: CEPR Discussion Papers, No. 17165, 2022. (Working Paper)
Show abstractPhuong Anh Nguyen, Michael Wolf, Single-firm inference in event studies via the permutation test, In: Working paper series / Department of Economics, No. 425, 2023. (Working Paper)
Show abstractRainer Winkelmann, Neglected heterogeneity, Simpson’s paradox, and the anatomy of least squares, In: Working paper series / Department of Economics, No. 426, 2023. (Working Paper)
Show abstractFinkelfarb Lichand Guilherme Lichand, Maria Eduarda Perpétuo, Priscila Soares, An education inequity index, In: SSRN, No. 4250539, 2022. (Working Paper)
Show abstractMichelle Acampora, Lorenzo Casaburi, Jack Willis, Land rental markets: experimental evidence from Kenya, In: NBER Working Paper Series, No. 30495, 2023. (Working Paper)
Show abstractKaspar Villiger, Politik und Wissenschaft: von der Holpflicht der Politik und der Bringpflicht der Wissenschaft, In: UBS Center Public Paper Series, No. 11, 2022. (Working Paper)
Show abstractHelmut Max Dietl, Markus Lang, Johannes Orlowski, Philipp Wegelin, The Effect of the Initial Distribution of Labor-Related Property Rights on the Allocative Efficiency of Labor Markets, In: UZH Business Working Paper Series, No. 398, 2023. (Working Paper)
Show abstractPascal Flurin Meier, Raphael Flepp, Egon Franck, Are Expectations Misled by Chance? Quasi-Experimental Evidence from Financial Analysts, In: UZH Business Working Paper Series, No. 396, 2022. (Working Paper)
Show abstractFabienne Jedelhauser, Raphael Flepp, Egon Franck, Overshadowed by popularity: The value of second-tier stars in European football, In: UZH Business Working Paper Series, No. 397, 2022. (Working Paper)
Show abstractJulius Lüttge, Job mobility and wage growth between regions, In: URPP Equality of Opportunity Discussion Paper Series, No. 8, 2022. (Working Paper)
Show abstractJulius Lüttge, Occupational change and wage inequality in Germany, In: URPP Equality of Opportunity Discussion Paper Series, No. 6, 2022. (Working Paper)
Show abstractJulius Lüttge, Urban wage premia and heterogeneous sorting, In: URPP Equality of Opportunity Discussion Paper Series, No. 7, 2022. (Working Paper)
Geoffroy Legentilhomme, Matthieu Leimgruber, Top wealth in Switzerland, 1890-1990: debates, sources, and research perspectives, In: URPP Equality of Opportunity Discussion Paper Series, No. 5, 2022. (Working Paper)
Show abstractEva M Berger, Ernst Fehr, Henning Hermes, Daniel Schunk, Kirsten Winkel, Teaching self-regulation, In: URPP Equality of Opportunity Discussion Paper Series, No. 4, 2022. (Working Paper)
Show abstractStephan Nebe, Andre Kretzschmar, Philippe Tobler, Characterizing human habits in the lab, In: PsyArXiv Preprints, No. tgf27, 2022. (Working Paper)
Show abstractAlessandro Ferrari, Inventories, demand shocks propagation and amplification in supply chains, In:, No. 2205.03862, 2023. (Working Paper)
Show abstractFinkelfarb Lichand Guilherme Lichand, Sharon Wolf, Measuring child labor: whom should be asked, and why It matters, In: SSRN, No. 4125068, 2022. (Working Paper)