Contributions published at Dynamic and Distributed Information Systems (Abraham Bernstein)

Shen Gao, Yu Li, Jianliang Xu, Byron Choi, Haibo Hu, DigestJoin: expediting joins on solid-state drives, In: Proceedings of the 15th international conference on Database Systems for Advanced Applications - Volume Part II, Springer-Verlag, Berlin, Heidelberg, 2010. (Conference or Workshop Paper published in Proceedings)
Show abstractStefan Schurgast and, Markov logic inference on signal/collect, University of Zurich, Faculty of Economics, Business Administration and Information Technology, 2010. (Master's Thesis)
Show abstractChristian Kündig, Building an adapting poker agent, University of Zurich, Faculty of Economics, Business Administration and Information Technology, 2010. (Master's Thesis)
Show abstractMinh Khoa Nguyen, Optimized disk oriented tree structures for RDF indexing: the B+Hash Tree, University of Zurich, Faculty of Economics, Business Administration and Information Technology, 2010. (Bachelor's Thesis)
Show abstractPatrick Leibundgut, Ranking im Vergleich mit Hyperrectangle und Normalisierung als Verfahren zur Klassifizierung von Daten, University of Zurich, Faculty of Economics, Business Administration and Information Technology, 2010. (Bachelor's Thesis)
Show abstractAbraham Bernstein, Software Engineering and the Semantic Web: A match made in heaven or in hell?, In: Software Language Engineering: THIRD International Conference, SLE 2010, Springer, Eindhoven, The Netherlands, 2010-01-01. (Conference or Workshop Paper)
Show abstractJiwen Li, Automatic verification of small molecule structure with one dimensional proton nuclear magnetic resonance sprectrum, University of Zurich, Faculty of Economics, Business Administration and Information Technology, 2010. (Dissertation)
Show abstractDavid Oertle, Kostenstellenbericht fu?r Professoren, University of Zurich, Faculty of Economics, Business Administration and Information Technology, 2010. (Bachelor's Thesis)
Show abstractDamian Schärli, AMIS risk score application - Applikationsaufbau und Vergleich mit Grace Score, University of Zurich, Faculty of Economics, Business Administration and Information Technology, 2010. (Bachelor's Thesis)
Show abstractPatrick Minder, Aggregating social networks - entity resolution with face recognition, University of Zurich, Faculty of Economics, Business Administration and Information Technology, 2010. (Bachelor's Thesis)
Show abstractProceedings of the 3rd Planning to Learn Workshop (WS9) at ECAI 2010, Edited by: Pavel Brazdil, Abraham Bernstein, Jörg-Uwe Kietz, Dynamic and Distributed Information Systems Group, Lisbon, Portugal, 2010. (Proceedings)
Show abstractStefanie Hauske, Gerhard Schwabe, Abraham Bernstein, Wiederverwendung multimedialer und online verfügbarer Selbstlernmodule in der Wirtschaftsinformatik - Lessons Learned, In: E-Learning 2010: Aspekte der Betriebswirtschaftslehre und Informatik, Springer, Heidelberg, p. 151 - 164, 2010. (Book Chapter)
Show abstractAdrian J E Bachmann, Why should we care about data quality in software engineering?, University of Zurich, Faculty of Economics, Business Administration and Information Technology, 2010. (Dissertation)
Show abstractAbraham Bernstein, Adrian Bachmann, When process data quality affects the number of bugs: correlations in software engineering datasets, In: MSR '10: 7th IEEE Working Conference on Mining Software Repositories, 2010. (Conference or Workshop Paper published in Proceedings)
Show abstractAdrian Bachmann, Christian Bird, Foyzur Rahman, Premkumar Devanbu, Abraham Bernstein, The Missing Links: Bugs and Bug-fix Commits, In: ACM SIGSOFT / FSE '10: eighteenth International Symposium on the Foundations of Software Engineering, 2010. (Conference or Workshop Paper published in Proceedings)
Show abstractThomas Scharrenbach, R Grütter, B Waldvogel, Abraham Bernstein, Structure preserving TBox repair using defaults, In: 23rd International Workshop on Description Logics (DL 2010), 2010. (Conference or Workshop Paper published in Proceedings)
Show abstractJonas Tappolet, C Kiefer, Abraham Bernstein, Semantic web enabled software analysis, Journal of Web Semantics, Vol. 8 (2-3), 2010. (Journal Article)
Show abstractS N Wrigley, D Reinhard, K Elbedweihy, Abraham Bernstein, F Ciravegna, Methodology and campaign design for the evaluation of semantic search tools, In: Semantic Search 2010 Workshop (SemSearch 2010), 2010. (Conference or Workshop Paper published in Proceedings)
Show abstractE Kaufmann, Abraham Bernstein, Evaluating the usability of natural language query languages and interfaces to semantic web knowledge bases, Journal of Web Semantics, Vol. 8 (4), 2010. (Journal Article)
Show abstractJ Luell, Employee fraud detection under real world conditions, University of Zurich, Faculty of Economics, Business Administration and Information Technology, 2010. (Dissertation)