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Contribution Details

Type Working Paper
Scope Contributions to practice
Title Capital Adequacy Tests and Limited Liability of Financial Institutions
Organization Unit
  • Santiago Moreno-Bromberg
  • Pablo Koch Medina
  • Cosimo Munari
  • English
Institution University of Zurich
Series Name Swiss Finance Institute Research Paper
Number 14-03
Date 2014
Abstract Text The theory of acceptance sets and their associated risk measures plays a key role in the design of capital adequacy tests. The objective of this paper is to investigate, in the context of bounded financial positions, the class of surplus-invariant acceptance sets. These are characterized by the fact that acceptability does not depend on the positive part, or surplus, of a capital position. We argue that surplus invariance is a reasonable requirement from a regulatory perspective, because it focuses on the interests of liability holders of a financial institution. We provide a dual characterization of surplus-invariant, convex acceptance sets, and show that the combination of surplus invariance and coherence leads to a narrow range of capital adequacy tests, essentially limited to scenario-based tests. Finally, we emphasize the advantages of dealing with surplus-invariant acceptance sets as the primary object rather than directly with risk measures, such as loss-based and excess-invariant risk measures, which have been recently studied by Cont, Deguest & He and by Staum, respectively.
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