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Contribution Details

Type Working Paper
Scope Discipline-based scholarship
Title Do Immigrants Displace Young Native Workers: The Austrian Experience
Organization Unit
  • Rudolf Winter-Ebmer
  • Josef Zweimüller
  • English
Institution University of Zurich
Series Name Working paper series / Institute for Empirical Research in Economics
Number No. 11
ISSN 1424-0459
Date 1999
Abstract Text This paper studies the effect of increased immigration in Austria on the unemployment risk of young natives. Austria experienced a dramatic rise in the share of alien workers as a result of the breakdown of the former commu-nist regimes (especially from former Yugoslavia). We concentrate on unemployment entry of young male workers, who are supposed to compete most heavily with new immigrants. Our results indicate that the detrimental impact - if it exists at all - is only minor. This is irrespective of the analyzed proxy for competition: The share of foreign workers in an industry or in a region.
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