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Contribution Details

Type Journal Article
Scope Discipline-based scholarship
Title Quantal Response Equilibrium and Overbidding in Private-Value Auctions
Organization Unit
  • Jacob Goeree
  • Charles A. Holt
  • Thomas R. Palfrey
Item Subtype Original Work
Refereed Yes
Status Published in final form
Journal Title Journal of Economic Theory
Geographical Reach international
Volume 104
Number 1
Page Range 247 - 272
Date 2002
Abstract Text <p>We give semiparametric identification and estimation results for econometric models with a regressor that is endogenous, bound censored and selected,called a Tobin regressor. First, we show that true parameter value is set identified and characterize the identification sets. Second, we propose novel estimation and inference methods for this true value. These estimation and inference methods are of independent interest and apply to any problem where the true parameter value is point identified conditional on some nuisance parameter values that are set-identified. By fixing the nuisance parameter value in some suitable region, we can proceed with regular point and interval estimation. Then, we take the union over nuisance parameter values of the point and interval estimates to form the final set estimates and confidence set estimates. The initial point or interval estimates can be frequentist or Bayesian. The final set estimates are set-consistent for the true parameter value, and confidence set estimates have frequentist validity in the sense of covering this value with at least a prespecified probability in large samples. We apply our identification, estimation, and inference procedures to study the effects of changes in housing wealth on household consumption. Our set estimates fall in plausible ranges, significantly above low OLS estimates and below high IV estimates that do not account for the Tobin regressor structure.</p>
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