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Contribution Details

Type Conference or Workshop Paper
Scope Discipline-based scholarship
Published in Proceedings No
Title Knowledge-Based Question Answering
  • Fabio Rinaldi
  • James Dowdall
  • Michael Hess
  • Diego Mollà Aliod
  • Rolf Schwitter
  • Kaarel Kaljurand
Item Subtype Original Work
Refereed Yes
Status Published in final form
Event Title Knowledge-Based Intelligent Information & Engineering Systems, KES-2003
Place of Publication Oxford, UK
Publisher Springer
Abstract Text Large amounts of technical documentation are available in machine readable format, however there is a lack of effective ways to access them. In this paper we propose an approach based on linguistic techniques, geared towards the creation of a domain-specific Knowledge Base, starting from the available technical documentation. We then discuss an effective way to access the information encoded in the Knowledge Base. Given a user question phrased in natural language the system is capable of retrieving the encoded semantic information that most closely matches the user input, and present it by highlighting the textual elements that were used to deduct it.
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