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Contribution Details

Type Conference or Workshop Paper
Scope Discipline-based scholarship
Published in Proceedings No
Title Mining Software Repositories with iSPARQL and a Software Evolution Ontology
Organization Unit
  • Christoph Kiefer
  • Abraham Bernstein
  • Jonas Tappolet
Item Subtype Original Work
Refereed Yes
Status Published in final form
Event Title Proceedings of the 2007 International Workshop on Mining Software Repositories (MSR '07)
Publisher IEEE Computer Society
Abstract Text One of the most important decisions researchers face when analyzing the evolution of software systems is the choice of a proper data analysis/exchange format. Most existing formats have to be processed with special programs written specifically for that purpose and are not easily extendible. Most scientists, therefore, use their own database(s) requiring each of them to repeat the work of writing the import/export programs to their format. We present EvoOnt, a software repository data exchange format based on the Web Ontology Language (OWL). EvoOnt includes software, release, and bug-related information. Since OWL describes the semantics of the data, EvoOnt is (1) easily extendible, (2) comes with many existing tools, and (3) allows to derive assertions through its inherent Description Logic reasoning capabilities. The paper also shows iSPARQL – our SPARQL-based Semantic Web query engine containing similarity joins. Together with EvoOnt, iSPARQL can accomplish a sizable number of tasks sought in software repository mining projects, such as an assessment of the amount of change between versions or the detection of bad code smells. To illustrate the usefulness of EvoOnt (and iSPARQL), we perform a series of experiments with a real-world Java project. These show that a number of software analyses can be reduced to simple iSPARQL queries on an EvoOnt dataset.
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