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Contribution Details

Type Conference or Workshop Paper
Scope Discipline-based scholarship
Published in Proceedings No
Title How Long will it Take to Fix This Bug?
Organization Unit
  • Cathrin Weiss
  • Rahul Premraj
  • Thomas Zimmermann
  • Andreas Zeller
  • Harald Gall
  • Michele Lanza
Item Subtype Original Work
Refereed Yes
Status Published in final form
Event Title Proceedings of the Fourth International Workshop on Mining Software Repositories
Publisher IEEE Computer Society
Abstract Text Predicting the time and effort for a software problem has long been a difficult task. We present an approach that automatically predicts the fixing effort, i.e., the person-hours spent on fixing an issue. Our technique leverages existing issue tracking systems: given a new issue report, we use the Lucene framework to search for similar, earlier reports and use their average time as a prediction. Our approach thus allows for early effort estimation, helping in assigning issues and scheduling stable releases. We evaluated our approach using effort data from the JBoss project. Given a sufficient number of issues reports, our automatic predictions are close to the actual effort; for issues that are bugs, we are off by only one hour, beating naive predictions by a factor of four.
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