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Contribution Details

Type Conference or Workshop Paper
Scope Discipline-based scholarship
Published in Proceedings Yes
Title Tag-Xplore: Interactive Exploration of Annotation Practices in Digital Editions
Organization Unit
  • Michael Blum
  • Madhav Sachdeva
  • Yann Stricker
  • Rudolf Mumenthaler
  • Jürgen Bernard
Presentation Type paper
Item Subtype Original Work
Refereed No
Status Published in final form
  • English
Page Range online
Event Title EuroVis Workshop on Visual Analytics (EuroVA)
Event Type workshop
Event Location Odense, Denmark
Event Start Date May 27 - 2024
Event End Date May 27 - 2024
Publisher The Eurographics Association
Abstract Text Digital Editions (DE) are scholarly document collections that make research artifacts accessible to both humans and machines in a structured manner, enriched with annotations. However, the interoperability and reusability of DE can be hampered by annotation inconsistencies within DE and heterogeneous annotation practices across DE. We present Tag-Xplore, an interactive and visual exploration tool for annotation practices within and across DE. Tag-Xplore offers multiple coordinated views that provide both attribute-based and document-based access to the huge search space at multiple granularities. The approach also provides rank, filter, and comparison techniques, to further support the exploration. With Tag-Xplore, data curators can validate assumptions based on existing knowledge and generate new insights about annotation practices. We demonstrate the usefulness of Tag-Xplore with two qualitative case studies on attribute ambiguity and outlier documents
Free access at DOI
Digital Object Identifier 10.2312/eurova.20241115
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