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Contribution Details

Type Bachelor's Thesis
Scope Discipline-based scholarship
Title Supportive Assistant for Corporate Identity E-learning Platform
Organization Unit
  • Adam Bauer
  • Andreas Bucher
  • Gerhard Schwabe
  • English
Institution University of Zurich
Faculty Faculty of Business, Economics and Informatics
Date 2023
Abstract Text Chatbots have experienced a significant surge in popularity in recent months, which can largely be attributed to the utilization of Large Language Models (LLMs). Among these platforms, ChatGPT has shown the fastest growth, amassing one million users within a only five days. This can be attributed to the inherent contextual understanding and impressive capabilities exhibited by LLMs, which continue to be explored. Recognizing the potential of chatbots, particularly their adaptability to custom interfaces, our aim is to develop a tailored assistant to help adults in corporate identity E-learning. Our pedagogical conversational agent serves as a supportive guide throughout the learning process. Given the current boom in chatbot usage, coupled with the dearth of prior research on chatbots in the field of corporate identity and limited exploration in the realm of adult learning, our study seeks to address the following questions: How do users interact with the assistant and what types of messages are exchanged? The findings of this thesis will shed light on the dynamics of user-agent interaction, the frequency of exchanged messages, and the intended functions of users. As our final product relies on an LLM, which serves as the backbone of the chatbot, we encountered various challenges, such as incorporating external functions and managing the LLM's knowledge limitations. To ensure optimal performance, this thesis includes a comprehensive prompt creation manual, which we utilized to refine our assistant and deliver the most effective learning experience for trainees.
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