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Contribution Details

Type Journal Article
Scope Discipline-based scholarship
Title Challenges and opportunities of democracy in the digital society: report from Dagstuhl Seminar 22361
Organization Unit
  • Abraham Bernstein
  • Anita Gohdes
  • Cristina Sarasua
  • Steffen Staab
  • Beth Simone Noveck
Item Subtype Original Work
Refereed No
Status Published in final form
  • English
Journal Title Dagstuhl Manifestos
Publisher Schloss Dagstuhl
Geographical Reach international
ISSN 2193-2433
Volume 12
Number 9
Page Range 1 - 19
Date 2023
Abstract Text Digital technologies amplify and change societal processes. So far, society and intellectuals have painted two extremes of viewing the effects of the digital transformation on democratic life. While the early 2000s to mid-2010s declared the "liberating" aspects of digital technology, the post-Brexit events and the 2016 US elections have emphasized the "dark side" of the digital revolution. Now, explicit effort is needed to go beyond tech saviorism or doom scenarios. To this end, we organized the Dagstuhl Seminar 22361 "Challenges and Opportunities of Democracy in the Digital Society" to discuss the future of digital democracy. This report presents a summary of the seminar, which took place in Dagstuhl in September 2022. The seminar attracted scientific scholars from various disciplines, including political science, computer science, jurisprudence, and communication science, as well as civic technology practitioners.
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