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Contribution Details

Type Master's Thesis
Scope Discipline-based scholarship
Title Implementation of the OSGi Platform Specification in ActionScript 3
  • Manuel Innerhofer
  • null
  • Helmut Schauer
Institution University of Zurich
Faculty Faculty of Economics, Business Administration and Information Technology
Date 2009
Abstract Text Through the improvements of ActionScript 3.0 (AS3), it got attractive to implement more complex applications such as Rich Internet Applications (RIAs). But large and complex applications bring new challenges: How to reduce complexity, how to make reusable components, and how to organize components? Java already got a solution to this problems: The OSGi framework. The question I tried to answer is, if it is possible to bring the advantages to AS3/Flash developers. I did this by implementing the OSGi core specification in AS3. My implementation called Hotpot Framework supports almost all functionality. I come to the conclusion, that a framework like the Hotpot Framework could be beneficial to AS3/Flash developers.
Zusammenfassung Durch die Verbesserungen von ActionScript 3.0 (AS3), ist es attraktiver komplexere Applicationen, wie z.B. Rich Internet Applications, zu programmieren. Jedoch bringen gr??ssere und dadurch komplexere Applikationen neune Herausforderungen: Wie reduziert man die Komplexit?§t, wie macht man wiederverwendbare Komponenten, und wie soll man Komponenten organisieren? Java hat schon eine L??sung f?ºr diese Probleme: Das OSGi Framework. Die Frage die ich versucht habe zu beantworten ist, ob es m??glich die Vorteile AS3/Flash Entwicklern zur Verf?ºgung zu stellen. Dazu habe ich die OSGi core specification in AS3 implementiert. Meine Implementation, das Hotpot Framework, unterstuetzt fast alle Features. Ich komme zum Schluss, dass solch ein Framework f?ºr AS3/Flash Enwickler n?ºtzlich sein k??nnte.
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