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Contribution Details

Type Bachelor's Thesis
Scope Discipline-based scholarship
Title Greed and Individual Investor Behavior: Relating dispositional greed to relevant investor characteristics
Organization Unit
  • Elia Bucefari
  • Stefan Zeisberger
  • English
Institution University of Zurich
Faculty Faculty of Business, Economics and Informatics
Number of Pages 54
Date 2022
Abstract Text Greed has important implications for society and the economic environment we live in. It is further associated with phenomena emerging directly in financial markets. This bachelor thesis studies the topic of dispositional greed and its influence on diverse behavioral situations in financial markets. It is found that dispositional greed is correlated with loss aversion, fear of losses, willingness to take financial risks, and impulsive and immoral investing. However, predictive effects were only found for impulsivity and immorality. Moreover, dispositional greed is more specifically associated with reactive, impulsive investing behavior enacted by certain stimuli. For immorality, the maximization motive cannot be ruled out. Men and right-wing oriented people tend to be greedier. These new and confirmatory findings are suggestive of further research on the meaning of greed on individual investing behavior and its consequences on financial occurrences.
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