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Contribution Details

Type Journal Article
Scope Discipline-based scholarship
Title Middle Managers’ Struggle Over Their Subject Position in Open Strategy Processes
Organization Unit
  • Violetta Splitter
  • Paula Jarzabkowski
  • David Seidl
Item Subtype Original Work
Refereed Yes
Status Published in final form
  • English
Journal Title Journal of Management Studies
Publisher Wiley-Blackwell Publishing, Inc.
Geographical Reach international
ISSN 0022-2380
Volume 60
Number 7
Page Range 1884 - 1923
Date 2023
Abstract Text In this paper we examine middle managers’ struggle over their subject position as strategists in the context of participative strategy processes. Based on a longitudinal case study of a company undertaking an Open Strategy process, we show how the wider inclusion of front-line employees in developing new strategy undermines the traditional subject position of middle managers. Based on these findings, we develop a process model depicting the recursive dynamics of middle managers’ struggles to maintain their subject positions in the face of employee participation. With these findings we contribute to the literature on middle managers by advancing our understanding of the implications of employee participation for middle managers’ subject position as strategists and their different ways of reclaiming their subject position. We also contribute to the literature on Open Strategy by revealing the implications for traditional strategy actors as well as by explaining the processual dynamics of participation over time.
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Digital Object Identifier 10.1111/joms.12776
Other Identification Number merlin-id:22041
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