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Contribution Details

Type Journal Article
Scope Discipline-based scholarship
Title Restriktionen und Ressourcen nachhaltiger Einkaufsgewohnheiten: Segmentierung Schweizer Konsumenten und Konsumentinnen
Organization Unit
  • Sybille Wölfing Kast
  • Carmen Tanner
Item Subtype Original Work
Refereed Yes
Status Published in final form
  • German
Journal Title Umweltpsychologie
Geographical Reach international
Volume 6
Number 2
Page Range 84 - 104
Date 2002
Abstract Text Based on a strategy that searches for target groups, the study is aimed at detecting distinct consumer segments that differ regarding personal and contextual contributions or barriers to green food purchases. The theoretical framework taken is an alternative perspective of environmental behavior which holds that behavioral choices are typically restricted by a host of constraints. The segmentation is based on dimensions that have been identified as prevalent factors of green food purchases in a survey with Swiss households. These dimensions are: 1) attitudes toward environmental protection, 2) toward fair trade and 3) toward regional production; 4) perceived time barriers; 5) action-related knowledge and 6) frequency of supermarket use to buy food products. Regarding the market segments, the results revealed between the two extreme subgroups – the anti-ecologists and the ideal ecologists – several groups that are susceptible to a mixture of barriers and contributions to green purchases. Applied implications about how to enhance consumer’s demand of green products and how sellers can adopt are discussed.
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