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Contribution Details

Type Bachelor's Thesis
Scope Discipline-based scholarship
Title Extension and Standardization of a Blockchain Interoperability API
Organization Unit
  • Pascal Kiechl
  • Eder John Scheid
  • Christian Killer
  • English
Institution University of Zurich
Faculty Faculty of Business, Economics and Informatics
Date 2021
Abstract Text With the introduction of the concept of blockchain (BC) and the subsequent launch of Bitcoin in 2009, a trend of rapidly increasing numbers of alternative BC implementations and platforms has begun. Due to their inherent diff erences, diff erent BCs are generally incapable of exchanging neither their native currencies nor the data stored on them. Thus, numerous interoperability solutions have been envisioned, with Bifröst, a notary-scheme based interoperability API, being one of them. Bifröst's prototype implementation, though working as intended, had a number of key-areas where improvements were possible, thus, in this thesis, new features have been added to strengthen the core requirements imposed on Bifröst. Optional data encryption has been incorporated to give users more control and to increase the security of stored confi dential information, at the cost of increased data sizes when encrypted. The capability to have oversized data split, stored with multiple transactions and tracked properly for reassembly on retrieval has been included, increasing the flexibility of the data that can be stored. Furthermore, ease of use has been improved with the addition of generic error handling, whilst at the same time, in conjunction with redundancy, increasing the robustness of Bifröst. Research on standardized interoperability formats has been conducted and has served as inspiration for a new JSON scheme for interacting with BC interoperability APIs such as Bifröst. Finally, means to securely manage private keys have been investigated, and although ultimately no immediately actionable solution was found, the options for future developments of Bifröst in that area have been clarifi ed.
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