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Contribution Details

Type Conference Presentation
Scope Discipline-based scholarship
Title Understanding participation in strategy formulation: An integration of past research from a sensemaking perspective.
Organization Unit
  • Theresa Langenmayr
  • David Seidl
Presentation Type paper
Item Subtype Original Work
Refereed Yes
Status Published in final form
Event Title European Group for Organizational Studies (EGOS) Conference
Event Type conference
Event Location Edinburgh
Event Start Date July 4 - 2019
Event End Date July 6 - 2019
Abstract Text Participation in strategy formulation has become increasingly popular in practice and theory as it is associated with the pooling of knowledge and interests as well as higher commitment and more coherent action in strategy implementation. Research on this important phenomenon has grown rapidly over the last decade, focusing particularly on extreme forms of participation such as the involvement of bigger crowds through digital platforms. Yet, previous work on participation (e.g. middle management involvement, inter-organizational strategizing) remains in separate literature streams and is lacking integration. Therefore, there is a need for a systematic review and evaluation of existing work. Adopting central sensemaking concepts, we review the literature in terms of how participants’ interests, frame repertoires and power affect their selection of cues and frames during collective strategy formulation. We develop a framework that shows how both sensemaking dynamics as well as possible design options result in a (shared or fragmented) strategic agenda and understanding. On this basis, a concrete research agenda is developed in terms of topics, methodologies, and theories.
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