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Contribution Details

Type Working Paper
Scope Discipline-based scholarship
Title Climate Risk and Financial Stability in the Network of Banks and Investment Funds
Organization Unit
  • Alan Roncoroni
  • Stefano Battiston
  • Serafin Martinez Jaramillo
  • Luis Onesimo Leonardo Escobar Farfan
  • English
Institution University of Zurich
Series Name SSRN
Number 3356459
Number of Pages 35
Date 2019
Abstract Text We develop a method to analyze the effects on financial stability of the interplay between climate policy shocks and market conditions. We combine the frameworks of the Climate Stress-test with the framework of the network valuation of financial assets, in which the valuation of interbank claims accounts for market volatility as well as for endogenous recovery rates consistent with the network of obligations. We also include the dynamics of common asset contagion involving not only banks but also investment funds, which are key players in the low carbon transition. We then apply the model to a unique supervisory data-set of banks and investment funds at the firm level in order to assess the impact for financial stability of shocks deriving from the disorderly alignment of energy and utility sectors in a range of climate policy scenarios. While under mild shock scenarios systemic losses are contained, we identify the climate policy scenarios and market conditions under which systemic losses can pose a threat to financial stability.
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