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Contribution Details

Type Working Paper
Scope Discipline-based scholarship
Title Regime Shifts and Stock Return Predictability
Organization Unit
  • Regina Hammerschmid
  • Harald Lohre
  • English
Institution University of Zurich
Series Name SSRN
Number 2445086
Date 2017
Abstract Text Identifying economic regimes is useful in a world of time-varying risk premia. We apply regime switching models to common factors proxying for the macroeconomic regime and show that the ensuing regime factor is relevant in forecasting the equity risk premium. Moreover, the relevance of this regime factor is preserved in the presence of fundamental variables and technical indicators which are known to predict equity risk premia. Based on multiple predictive regressions and pooled forecasts, the macroeconomic regime factor is deemed complementary relative to the fundamental and technical information sets. Finally, these forecasts exhibit significant out-of-sample predictability that ultimately translates into considerable utility gains in a mean-variance portfolio strategy.
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