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Contribution Details

Type Master's Thesis
Scope Discipline-based scholarship
Title A Study on Wages in Chinese Financial Industry
Organization Unit
  • Jingyuan Tian
  • Jean-Charles Rochet
  • Claire Célérier
  • English
Institution University of Zurich
Faculty Faculty of Business, Economics and Informatics
Date 2016
Abstract Text This thesis studied rate of return to education in Chinese financial industry. Em­ ployees from financial industry indeed are better compensated, however, unlike most of the other developed countries, rate of return to education in Chinese finan­ cial industry does not surpass the rest of industries. Inside financial industry, the better one employee is educated, the more he/she get compensated. In the second party of this thesis, compensation for executives from financial companies is exam­ ined. Compensation increases with the size of the company and the intense super­ vision and regulation on financial market, meanwhile, it decreases with a higher degree of concentration of stockholdings and debt ratio. Banking is different from other financial companies in his nature, executives from Banking are better com­ pensated when non-performing loan ratio increases....
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