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Contribution Details

Type Working Paper
Scope Discipline-based scholarship
Title Child penalties across countries: evidence and explanations
Organization Unit
  • Henrik Kleven
  • Camille Landais
  • Johanna Posch
  • Andreas Steinhauer
  • Josef Zweimüller
  • English
Institution National Bureau of Economic Research
Series Name NBER Working Papers
Number 25524
Number of Pages 19
Date 2019
Abstract Text This paper provides evidence on child penalties in female and male earnings in different countries. The estimates are based on event studies around the birth of the first child, using the specification proposed by Kleven et al. (2018). The analysis reveals some striking similarities in the qualitative effects of children across countries, but also sharp differences in the magnitude of the effects. We discuss the potential role of family policies (parental leave and child care provision) and gender norms in explaining the observed differences.
Official URL
Digital Object Identifier 10.3386/w25524
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