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Contribution Details

Type Working Paper
Scope Discipline-based scholarship
Title Early career research production in economics: does mentoring matter?
Organization Unit
  • Andrés García-Suaza
  • Jesús Otero
  • Rainer Winkelmann
  • English
Institution Institute of Labor Economics
Series Name IZA Discussion Papers
Number 11976
Number of Pages 26
Date 2018
Abstract Text We assess the role played by advisory supervision on the early stage productivity of recent PhDs in economics using a tailor-made data set based on RePEc. After allowing for the potential effects of other relevant determinants, including gender and field of specialisation, we find as expected that both advisory quality and rank of the graduation institution are positively related to the academic productivity of graduates. However, students in top institutions do not benefit from working with the most productive academics, unless they become co-authors. For students in non-top institutions, being advised by the best academics is always associated with a higher research output. Possible explanations for this difference can be advising styles, with advisors in top-institutions devoting less time to their advisees unless they are co-authors, or a larger role of learning from peers, relative to advisors, in top-institutions.
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Keywords Academic career, research performance, RePEC, economic research