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Contribution Details

Type Working Paper
Scope Discipline-based scholarship
Title When Companies Use Their Wiggle Room, Which Investors Care?
Organization Unit
  • Marco Ceccarelli
  • English
Institution University of Zurich
Series Name Swiss Finance Institute Research Paper
Number 18-62
Number of Pages 67
Date 2018
Abstract Text This paper investigates whether certain investors either prefer or dislike holding firms that exploit more of the available regulatory wiggle room and if such a strategy pays off. Exploited wiggle room (WR) is captured by relatively aggressive tax planning, financial reporting, and earnings management practices. I find that long-term, low-turnover investors hold firms with 3% higher exploited WR than those held by short-term, high- turnover investors. After experiencing misconduct that breaches their trust, investors significantly reduce the exploited WR of their holdings. Overall, investors seem to have heterogeneous preferences for WR exploitation and a liking for cautious firms that cannot be explained by a prot maximization motive alone.
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