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Contribution Details

Type Bachelor's Thesis
Scope Discipline-based scholarship
Title Interdependencies of Cryptocurrencies
Organization Unit
  • Laurent Florin
  • Marc Paolella
  • English
Institution University of Zurich
Faculty Faculty of Business, Economics and Informatics
Number of Pages 44
Date 2018
Abstract Text Abstract In this thesis I consider the implementation of a VAR-DCCGARCH based strategy on a cryptocurrency portfolio consisting of Bitcoin and six widely used Altcoins, to take advantage of possible spillover effects between the currencies in the portfolio. Furthermore, the use of a moving average crossover rule, based on the network value to transaction volume ratio, to improve the strategy is examined. As a benchmark a simple Buy and Hold portfolio strategy is used. To compare the the strategies the Sharpe ratio is used and a studentized bootstrap interference is implemented to test the hypotheses that there is no difference in the Sharpe ratios of the strategies. Strong evidence that the VAR-DCCGARCH strategy renders superior risk adjusted returns compared to the Buy and Hold benchmark is presented. Additionally evidence, that VAR-DCCGARCH is improved upon by combining it with the moving average crossover rule, is presented.
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