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Contribution Details

Type Conference or Workshop Paper
Scope Discipline-based scholarship
Published in Proceedings No
Title Private Cross-page Movie Recommendations with the Firefox add-on OMORE
Organization Unit
  • T Bannwart
  • Amancio Bouza
  • G Reif
  • Abraham Bernstein
Presentation Type other
Item Subtype Original Work
Refereed Yes
Status Published in final form
  • English
Event Title 8th International Semantic Web Conference
Event Type conference
Event Location Washington DC, USA
Event Start Date October 25 - 2009
Event End Date October 29 - 2009
Abstract Text Online stores and Web portals bring information about a myriad of items such as books, CDs, restaurants or movies at the user's fingertips. Although, the Web reduces the barrier to the information, the user is overwhelmed by the number of available items. Therefore, recommender systems aim to guide the user to relevant items. Current recommender systems store user ratings on the server side. This way the scope of the recommendations is limited to this server only. In addition, the user entrusts the operator of the server with valuable information about his preferences. Thus, we introduce the private, personal movie recommender OMORE, which learns the user model based on the user's movie ratings. To preserve privacy, OMORE is implemented as Firefox add-on which stores the user ratings and the learned user model locally at the client side. Although OMORE uses the features from the movie pages on the IMDb site, it is not restricted to IMDb only. To enable cross-referencing between various movie sites such as IMDb,, Blockbuster, Netflix, Jinni, or Rotten Tomatoes we introduce the movie cross-reference database LiMo which contributes to the Linked Data cloud.
Other Identification Number merlin-id:148
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