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Contribution Details

Type Book/Research Monograph
Scope Discipline-based scholarship
Title Giant Growth. The ultimate guide to hands-on, successful, and sustainable social media growth
Organization Unit
  • Students Internet and Social Media Marketing
  • René Algesheimer
  • Niklas Fruth
  • Radu Petru Tanase
Status Published in final form
  • English
Place of Publication Zurich
Publisher Eigenverlag
Date 2016
Abstract Text „And for seizing the reins of the global media, for founding and framing the new digital democracy, for working for nothing and beating the pros at their own game, TIME’s Person of the Year for 2006 is you.“ LEV GROSSMAN, in TIME MAGAZINE In 2006, the TIME Magazine selected “You” as the magazine’s Person of the Year. This award acknowledged the contribution millions of people worldwide make by co-creating the web-of- information through their participation to pages such as Wikipedia, YouTube, Facebook, Pinterest, or Twitter. It is the era of user-generated content, but also the era of self-branding. Wait! This article was published ten years ago. Hand on heart: Haven’t you thought you have missed the opportunities of social media in the recent past? In a time period in which everyone seems to be talking about the importance of the digital transformation and the relevance of the social. Haven’t you realized that almost everyone else is already utilizing the power of social media? That they are making money through their social engagement? That all others have already hundreds of followers? And that your first attempts to setup accounts and grow on Twitter, Facebook, Pinterest, or Instagram failed? That you have missed the first-mover advantage and that it seems impossible to cope with the growth speed of accounts who have already a significantly large audience? At least, we can tell you that you are not the only one. We have discovered this need through numerous discussions we had with industry managers, as well as with our university students. Thus, we decided to act and do something against it. First, we teamed up a marketing scientist (René), a data scientist (Radu) and a social media agency nerd (Niklas) to share different perspectives on this topic. Second, we have created a seminar “Internet and Social Media Marketing” at the University of Zurich sponsored by the University Research Priority Program Social Networks that selected twenty-four talented young students to participate in this endeavour. Third, we decided to focus on six platforms (Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, Pinterest, Facebook Ads, Google Analytics) and structure each platform by four substantial dimensions (feed, grow, automatize, analyze). Fourth, the students scanned the web for the most innovative, rocking hackz for each of these platforms and dimensions and collected more than 700 tips. Fifth, in several iterations, the editors have framed the idea, evaluated and finally edited all the content to come up with the 250 tips that enable you to rock social media. Sixth, we have created a platform to advertise the book and students are asked to campaign the book. The learning effects for the students are therefore twofold: They learn how to manage the platforms, but in parallel apply their knowledge to a real existing product. Finally, 100% of the revenues of this book are donated to the non-profit organization IMFUNDO – Teachers WITHOUT FRONTIERS[2] to foster international education. In sum, by purchasing this ebook, you will not only learn a lot, but you will also support the engagement of this young organization. The purpose of this book is to offer a collection of hands-on smart tips & tricks utilizing social media tools that enable you to create fast, and sustainable growth. Maybe, not gigantic growth as the title indicates, but that was just catchier. For this, we assume that you are familiar with the fundamental social platforms such as Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, Pinterest or even Facebook Ads and Google Analytics and have a basic understanding of how they work. There will be two versions of the book: At first, we will offer an electronic book with many hyperlinks. Later on, a printed version will follow. We hope you enjoy reading our book, apply and practice our hands-on ideas and realize gigantic growth.
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