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Contribution Details

Type Bachelor's Thesis
Scope Discipline-based scholarship
Title Sensemaking Dynamics in Organizational Change
Organization Unit
  • Marco Stegmaier
  • Shenghui Ma
  • English
Institution University of Zurich
Faculty Faculty of Business, Economics and Informatics
Number of Pages 61
Date 2016
Abstract Text The social processes of organizational sensemaking play a critical role in the successful implementation of organizational change, especially in multiple waves of change in a relatively short period of time. This thesis offers an extensive overview on key concepts (such as organizational change, sensemaking, sensegiving, and importance of middle management) and on Maitlis’ (2005) four forms of organizational sensemaking, as well as practical evidence of the dynamics of organizational sensemaking in multiple waves of change between middle management and employees in a Swiss SME, which has been acquired by a large foreign company. The four forms of organizational sensemaking serve as basis for the analysis of the impact of multiple waves of change on the social processes of organizational sensemaking. The analysis of this thesis, based on data collected in various interviews with middle management and key employees, yields two important findings. First, multiple waves of change can lead to a transition in forms of organizational sensemaking. Specifically, they can lead to a drop in control of the organizational sensemaking processes and to an increase of animation. Secondly, multiple waves of change can be even more demanding on middle management, compared to a single change - even if large - over the same period of time.
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