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Contribution Details

Type Conference Presentation
Scope Discipline-based scholarship
Title Dynamics of CEO Identity: How CEOs Construct Their Identity in the Interaction with Different Stakeholders
Organization Unit
  • Shenghui Ma
Presentation Type paper
Item Subtype Original Work
Refereed Yes
Status Published in final form
  • English
Event Title Strategic Management Society Annual Conference 2016
Event Type conference
Event Location Berlin
Event Start Date September 17 - 2016
Event End Date September 20 - 2016
Abstract Text There has been an emerging interest in understanding the dynamics of CEO identity and their impact in organizations. Drawing on a longitudinal multiple case study, we show that CEOs dynamically construct their identity in relation to different groups of stakeholders in their organization: co-workers, the TMT, the board of directors, and the organization in general. When defining themselves along these four dimensions, CEOs frequently refer to their predecessor as a point of reference. In other words, they constantly compare themselves with their predecessor. Finally, we show that the conflict between their self-identity and their role expectations triggers CEOs’ identity work and how CEOs defend or modify their identity. Together, our findings contribute to a more comprehensive and deeper understanding of the dynamics of CEO identity.
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