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Contribution Details

Type Bachelor's Thesis
Scope Discipline-based scholarship
Title How do New Managers Establish their Legitimacy in Organizations?
Organization Unit
  • Carolin Müller
  • Shenghui Ma
  • English
Institution University of Zurich
Faculty Faculty of Economics, Business Administration and Information Technology
Date 2015
Abstract Text The aim of this thesis is to illustrate the relevance for a new manager to establish legitimacy in an organization. Theoretical approaches about legitimacy as a requirement in order to earn sustainable success will deepen the understanding of the importance to possess a position in an organization that is regarded as legitimated while involving different audiences into the process of decision making and actions. The case study of this work together with “Capri-Sun AG” in Germany supports the findings and gives several recommendations about this topic. Conducted interviews and surveys with employees of different hierarchy levels help to analyze applied methods regarding the development of legitimacy in order to gain the acceptance of the organization’s members. The results of this empirical part of the thesis approve most of the theoretical implications and even exceed them. The results of the interviews show how important it is in the eyes of the respondents to demonstrate characteristics such as authority, empathy, credibility and fairness as a new manager. Of course there are several other characteristics that may support the development of a legitimized status of a new manager. With regard to the applied methods that help to earn legitimacy as a new manager the case study shows that it is decisive for the success of an organization that the new manager not only demonstrates professional expertise but also a proactive and innovative leadership style that is affected by trust, sympathy and charisma. This proactive way to approach situations can moreover be seen as one of the main deviations from theory, which in turn suggests a reactive leadership style in order to influence audiences and earn their acceptance.
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