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Contribution Details

Type Conference Presentation
Scope Discipline-based scholarship
Title How New CEOs Create and Change the Strategic Apparatus
Organization Unit
  • Shenghui Ma
  • David Seidl
Presentation Type paper
Item Subtype Original Work
Refereed Yes
Status Published in final form
  • English
Event Title European Group for Organizational Studies (EGOS) Colloquium
Event Type conference
Event Location Athens
Event Start Date July 2 - 2015
Event End Date July 4 - 2015
Abstract Text A major challenge of newly appointed chief executive officers (CEOs) is to establish a network of immediate collaborators. These collaborators constitute the strategic apparatus of the CEO as they work closely on dealing with strategic issues and directing the organization. Drawing on a longitudinal qualitative study of eight firms, we identify how new CEOs establish their strategic apparatus and how it co-evolves with the top management team (TMT). Our findings show that strategic and succession needs drive how new CEOs change collaborators within and outside TMT and various constraints they face when doing so. We find that New CEOs’ initial apparatus is likely to be not identical with the TMT but partly overlaps with it. However, the two tend to converge over time due to some interpersonal and temporal dynamics. Theoretical and practical implications of our findings are discussed.
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