Contributions published at Organization and Management (David Seidl)

Show abstractAndreas Scherer, G Palazzo, David Seidl, Legitimacy strategies as complexity reduction in a post-national world: a systems-theory perspective, In: 4th Organization Studies Summer Workshop 2008: “Embracing complexity: advancing ecological understanding in organizational studies”, 2008-06-05. (Conference or Workshop Paper published in Proceedings)
David Seidl, Dominik van Aaken, Anticipating critique and occasional reason: Modes of reasoning in the face of a radically open future, In: The Handbook of Research on Strategy and Foresight, Edward Elgar, Cheltenham, p. 48 - 65, 2008. (Book Chapter)
M Mohe, David Seidl, Wieso scheitern Beratungsprojekte? Eine kritische Analyse, Wirtschaftswissenschaftliches Studium, Vol. 37, 2008. (Journal Article)
Jean-Louis Denis, Lise Lamothe, Ann Langley, Stéphane Guérard, Réforme et gouverne en santé: L'attrait pour une managérialisation de l'action publique, In: Les réformes en santé et en justice, Les presses de l'Université Laval, Québec, p. 51 - 68, 2008. (Book Chapter)
David Seidl, Review: Understanding Organizing as Process: Theory for a Tangled World, Electronic Journal of Business Ethics and Organization Studies, Vol. 30, 2008. (Journal Article)
Show abstractStéphane Guérard, Ann Langley, Jeux et enjeux dans l'implantation du Programme québécois de dépistage du cancer du sein : l'équipée de deux régions, Revue Internationale de Cas en Gestion, Vol. 6 (1), 2008. (Journal Article)
Show abstractM Mohe, David Seidl, Wieso scheitern Beratungsprojekte?: eine kritische Analyse, Wirtschaftswissenschaftliches Studium, Vol. 37 (8), 2008. (Journal Article)
Show abstractM Mohe, David Seidl, Möglichkeiten der Steuerung des Beraters durch den Klienten, In: Strategische Unternehmensberatung: Konzeptionen - Prozesse - Methoden, Ed. 5, Gabler, Wiesbaden, p. 249 - 274, 2008. (Book Chapter)
David Seidl, R MacIntosh, D MacLean, Do Strategy Workshops Produce Strategic Change?, In: Strategic Management Society Meeting. 2007. (Conference Presentation)
David Seidl, Paul Sanderson , Comply or Explain: The Flexibility of Corporate Governance Codes in Theory and in Practice, In: 2nd Annual Cambridge Conference on Regulation, Inspection & Improvement. 2007. (Conference Presentation)
David Seidl, M Mohe, The Consultant-Client Relationship: a Systems-Theoretical Perspective, In: Academy of Management (AoM) Annual Meeting. 2007. (Conference Presentation)
Stéphane Guérard, Ann Langley, Shifting logics of legitimation in the diffusion of a complex innovation, In: European Group for Organizational Studies. 2007. (Conference Presentation)
David Seidl, A Note on the Concept of Relevance, In: Organization Studies Summer Workshop. 2007. (Conference Presentation)
David Seidl, Grundsätze ordnungsmäßiger Unternehmensführung, In: Vahlens Großes Auditing Lexikon, Vahlen, München, p. 603 - 606, 2007. (Book Chapter)
David Seidl, Value Chains, In: International Encyclopedia of Organization Studies, SAGE, Thousand Oaks, p. 1599 - 1601, 2007. (Book Chapter)
David Seidl, Social Systems, In: International Encyclopedia of Organization Studies, SAGE, Thousand Oaks, p. 1436 - 1438, 2007. (Book Chapter)
K H Becker, David Seidl, Different Kinds of Openings of Luhmann's Systems Theory – A Reply to la Cour et al, Findings Brief : Health Care Financing & Organization, Vol. 14, 2007. (Journal Article)
David Seidl, Standard Setting and Following in Corporate Governance: An Observation-Theoretical Study of the Effectiveness of Governance Codes, Findings Brief : Health Care Financing & Organization, Vol. 14, 2007. (Journal Article)
David Seidl, W Kirsch, Dominik van Aaken, Betriebswirtschaftliche Forschung: Grundlagenfragen und Anwendungsorientierung, Schäffer-Poeschel, Stuffgart, 2007. (Book/Research Monograph)
David Seidl, Paula Jarzabkowski, Meetings as Strategizing Episodes in the Social Practice of Strategy, In: Annual Workshop of the Commission “Organisation” of the Association of University Professors of Management (VHB). 2007. (Conference Presentation)