Contributions published at Organization and Management (David Seidl)

Benjamin Grossmann-Hensel, Strategic Planning as Narrative Practice, In: OMTF. 2021. (Conference Presentation)
Theresa Langenmayr, David Seidl, Participatory Strategizing as Dual Sensemaking Process, In: Strategic Management Society (SMS) Conference, 2021. (Conference or Workshop Paper published in Proceedings)
Benjamin Grossmann-Hensel, Kurt Rachlitz, Gregor Bös, Comparative Functional Analysis as a Methodology to Cultivate the Attitude of ‘Wonder’, In: Colloquium on Philosophy and Organization Studies (PHILOS). 2021. (Conference Presentation)
Cécile Meier, Formal and informal roles of middle managers in the strategy process, University of Zurich, Faculty of Business, Economics and Informatics, 2021. (Master's Thesis)
Kurt Rachlitz, Benjamin Grossmann-Hensel, Jan Gehrmann, Potentiale und Grenzen der funktionalen Analyse als Methode der Theoriekonstruktion, In: Deutscher Kongress für Soziologie. 2021. (Conference Presentation)
Violetta Splitter, Discursive construction of actorhood in Open Strategy processes, In: Academy of Management Conference 2021. 2021. (Conference Presentation)
Theresa Langenmayr, Violetta Splitter, David Seidl, Inter-discursive struggles: managing the co-existence of the ‘conventional’ and ‘Open Strategy’ discourses, In: Annual Meeting of the Academy of Management (AOM), 2021. (Conference or Workshop Paper published in Proceedings)
Angelica Tritten, The generations switch as a strategic issue: How organizations handle millennials, University of Zurich, Faculty of Business, Economics and Informatics, 2021. (Master's Thesis)
Kurt Rachlitz, Benjamin Grossmann-Hensel, Digital innovation platforms as orchestrators of (non-)decided orders, In: EGOS Colloquium. 2021. (Conference Presentation)
David Seidl, Violetta Splitter, Theresa Langenmayr, Panel discussion: "Open Strategy – Between Promise and Predicament", In: European Group for Organizational Studies (EGOS) Conference. 2021. (Conference Presentation)
Theresa Langenmayr, Violetta Splitter, David Seidl, Inter-discursive struggles: managing the co-existence of the ‘conventional’ and ‘Open Strategy’ discourses, In: European Group for Organizational Studies (EGOS) Conference. 2021. (Conference Presentation)
Tania Ulrike Weinfurtner, The role of space in organizing, University of Zurich, Faculty of Business, Economics and Informatics, 2021. (Dissertation)
Show abstractJoep Cornelissen, Markus A Höllerer, David Seidl, What theory is and can be: Forms of theorizing in organizational scholarship, Organization Theory, Vol. 2 (3), 2021. (Journal Article)
Benjamin Grossmann-Hensel, Kurt Rachlitz, Digitale Plattformen in einer Society of Organizations, In: Jahrestagung der Sektion Organisationssoziologie der DGS. 2021. (Conference Presentation)
Theresa Langenmayr, Violetta Splitter, David Seidl, Interdiscursive struggles: Dealing with the coexistence of traditional and Open Strategy discourses, In: DFG Network Group for Digital Strategizing , 2021. (Conference or Workshop Paper published in Proceedings)
Violetta Splitter, Practice Theoretical Perspectives on Open Strategy: Implications of a Strong Programme, In: Strategy as Practice Conference. 2021. (Conference Presentation)
Jean-Baptiste Schiele, Frauen in Führungspositionen: Eine Untersuchung von Selbst- und Fremdbild, University of Zurich, Faculty of Business, Economics and Informatics, 2021. (Bachelor's Thesis)
Xenia Bühn, Organisationale Hierarchie als interpretationsbedürftiges Phänomen – eine Untersuchung anhand der Schweizer Armee, University of Zurich, Faculty of Business, Economics and Informatics, 2021. (Bachelor's Thesis)
Show abstractShenghui Ma, David Seidl, Terry McNulty, Challenges and practices of interviewing business elites, Strategic Organization, Vol. 19 (1), 2021. (Journal Article)
Violetta Splitter, David Seidl, Whittington Richard, Getting Heard? How Employees Gain Attention  in Open Strategy Processes, In: Doctoral Workshop, 2021. (Conference or Workshop Paper)