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Contributions in Merlin

Show abstractDamian Kozbur, Sharp convergence rates for forward regression in high-dimensional sparse linear models, In: Working paper series / Department of Economics, No. 253, 2018. (Working Paper)
Show abstractShuo Liu, Harry Pei, Monotone equilibria in signalling games, In: Working paper series / Department of Economics, No. 252, 2017. (Working Paper)
Show abstractAlexey Kushnir, Shuo Liu, On linear transformations of intersections, In: Working paper series / Department of Economics, No. 255, 2017. (Working Paper)
Show abstractLorenzo Casaburi, Rocco Macchiavello, Firm and market response to saving constraints: evidence from the Kenyan dairy industry, In: BREAD Working Paper, No. 468, 2015. (Working Paper)
Show abstractAmelie Wuppermann, Hannes Schwandt, The Youngest Get the Pill: ADHD Misdiagnosis and the Production of Education in Germany, In: IZA Discussion Papers, No. 9368, 2015. (Working Paper)
Show abstractPhilippe Aghion, Ufuk Akcigit, Antonin Bergeaud, Richard Blundell, David Hémous, Innovation and Top Income Inequality, In: INSEAD Working Paper, No. 2015/50/E, 2015. (Working Paper)
Show abstractDavid Hémous, Morten Olsen, The Rise of the Machines: Automation, Horizontal Innovation and Income Inequality, In: CEPR Discussion Paper, No. DP10244, 2015. (Working Paper)
Show abstractDavid Hémous, Morten Olsen, Long-term Relationships: Static Gains and Dynamic Inefficiencies, In: INSEAD Working Paper, No. 2015/21, 2015. (Working Paper)
Show abstractDavid Hémous, The dynamic impact of unilateral environmental policies, In: CEPR Discussion Papers, No. DP9733, 2015. (Working Paper)
Show abstractPaul Carrillo, Dina Pomeranz, Monica Singhal, Dodging the taxman: firm misreporting and limits to tax enforcement, In: HBS Working Paper Series, No. 15-026, 2014. (Working Paper)
Show abstractMaria Paula Gerardino, Stephan Litschig, Dina Pomeranz, Monitoring public procurement: evidence from a regression discontinuity design in Chile, In: Harvard Business School working papers, No. 2014, 2014. (Working Paper)
Show abstractMichael D König, Jan Lorenz, Fabrizio Zilibotti, Innovation vs. imitation and the evolution of productivity distributions, In: CEPR Discussion Papers, No. 8843, 2012. (Working Paper)
Show abstractThomas Buser, Eva Ranehill, Roel van Veldhuizen, Gender differences in willingness to compete: the role of public observability, In: Working paper series / Department of Economics, No. 257, 2017. (Working Paper)
Show abstractAaron Edlin, Catherine Roux, Armin Schmutzler, Christian Thöni, Hunting unicorns? Experimental evidence on predatory pricing policies, In: Working paper series / Department of Economics, No. 258, 2017. (Working Paper)
Show abstractAndreas Kettemann, Francis Kramarz, Josef Zweimüller, Job mobility and creative destruction: flexicurity in the land of Schumpeter, In: Working paper series / Department of Economics, No. 256, 2017. (Working Paper)
Show abstractCasey Rothschild, Florian Scheuer, A theory of income taxation under multidimensional skill heterogeneity, In: NBER Working Paper Series, No. 19822, 2014. (Working Paper)
Show abstractFlorian Scheuer, Kent Smetters, Could a website really have doomed the health exchanges? multiple equilibria, initial conditions and the construction of the fine, In: NBER Working Paper Series, No. 19835, 2014. (Working Paper)
Show abstractMichael Baker, Janet Currie, Hannes Schwandt, Mortality inequality in Canada and the U.S.: divergent or convergent trends?, In: NBER Working Paper Series, No. 23514, 2017. (Working Paper)
Show abstractRobert F Engle, Olivier Ledoit, Michael Wolf, Large dynamic covariance matrices, In: Working paper series / Department of Economics, No. 231, 2017. (Working Paper)
Show abstractChang-Tai Hsieh, Nicholas Li, Ralph Ossa, Mu-Jeung Yang, Accounting for the new gains from trade liberalization, In: Working paper series / Department of Economics, No. 249, 2017. (Working Paper)