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Contributions in Merlin

Show abstractUschi Backes-Gellner, A Schlinghoff, Careers, incentives and publication patterns of US and German (business) economists, In: SSRN, No. 616822, 2004. (Working Paper)
Show abstractUschi Backes-Gellner, Arndt Werner, Alwine Mohnen, Effort Provision in Entrepreneurial Teams:Effects of Team Size, Free-Riding and Peer Pressure, In: ISU Working Paper, No. 54, 2005. (Working Paper)
Christopher Wickert, Small- and Medium-Sized Enterprises as Private Actors in Global Governance – Evidence from the Textile Industry, In: IOU Working Paper Series, No. 121, 2010. (Working Paper)
Christopher Wickert, Conceptualizing the Role of Small- and Medium-Sized Enterprises as Private Actors in Global Governance, In: IOU Working Paper Series, No. 120, 2010. (Working Paper)
Show abstractSteffen Blaschke, Dennis Schoeneborn, David Seidl, Organizations as networks of communications: A methodological proposal, In: IOU Working Paper Series, No. 102, 2009. (Working Paper)
Show abstractDennis Schoeneborn, Steffen Blaschke, I M Kaufmann, The organization that never sleeps: A metaphorical pathology of organizational insomnia, In: IOU Working Paper Series, No. 103, 2009. (Working Paper)
Show abstractDavid Seidl, Dennis Schoeneborn, Niklas Luhmann’s autopoietic theory of organisations: Contributions, limitations, and future prospects, In: IOU Working Paper Series, No. 105, 2010. (Working Paper)
Show abstractPatrick Haack, Dennis Schoeneborn, Christopher Wickert, Exploring the constitutive conditions for a self- energizing effect of CSR standards: The case of the "Equator Principles", In: IOU Working Paper Series, No. 115, 2010. (Working Paper)
Show abstractDennis Schoeneborn, PowerPoint and the invisibility of contingency in project organizing, In: IOU Working Paper Series, No. 124, 2010. (Working Paper)
Show abstractNorman Schürhoff, Alexandre Ziegler, Variance risk, Financial intermediation, and the cross-section of expected option returns, In: NCCR, No. 712, 2011. (Working Paper)
Torsten Marek, Joakim Lundborg, Martin Volk, Extending the TIGER Query Language with Universal Quantification, In: Text Resources and Lexical Knowledge. Selected Papers from the 9th Conference on Natural Language Processing. KONVENS 2008, Mouton de Gruyter, Berlin, . (Conference or Workshop Paper)
Martin Volk, Torsten Marek, Yvonne Samuelsson, Human Judgements in Parallel Treebank Alignment, In: Proceedings of the COLING Workshop on Human Judgements in Computational Linguistics, Manchester, . (Conference or Workshop Paper)
Simon Clematide, Martin Volk, Linguistische und semantische Annotation eines Zeitungskorpos, In: GLDV-Jahrestagung, Giessen, . (Conference or Workshop Paper)
Show abstractMartin Volk, Michael Jung, Dirk Richarz, GTU - A workbench for the development of natural language grammars, In: Proceedings of the Conference on Practical Applications of Prolog, Paris, France, . (Conference or Workshop Paper)
Martin Volk, Die Rolle der Valenz bei der Auflösung von PP-Mehrdeutigkeiten, In: Präpositionalsemantik und PP-Anbindung. Workshop at the 3rd KONVENS Conference (Bielefeld), Duisburg, Germany, . (Conference or Workshop Paper)
Show abstractMartin Volk, Dirk Richarz, Experiences with the GTU grammar development environment, In: Workshop on Computational Environments For Grammar Development And Linguistic Engineering at the ACL/EACL Joint Conference, Madrid, Spain, . (Conference or Workshop Paper)
Show abstractMartin Volk, Probing the lexicon in evaluating commercial MT systems, In: Proceedings of ACL/EACL Joint Conference, Madrid, Spain, . (Conference or Workshop Paper)
Show abstractFrieder Stolzenburg, Stephan Höhne, Ulrich Koch, Martin Volk, Constraint Logic Programming for Computational Linguistics, In: Selected Papers of the 1st International Conference on Logical Aspects of Computational Linguistics, SpringerLink, . (Conference or Workshop Paper)
Show abstractMartin Volk, Stephan Mehl, Hagen Langer, Hybride NLP-Systeme und das Problem der PP-Anbindung, In: Berichtsband des Workshops, Freiburg, Germany, . (Conference or Workshop Paper)
Show abstractStephan Mehl, Britta Heidemann, Martin Volk, Zur Problematik der maschinellen Übersetzung von Nebensätzen zwischen den Sprachen Englisch und Deutsch, In: Evaluation of the Linguistic Performance of Machine Translation Systems. Proceedings of the Workshop at the KONVENS-98, Bonn, Germany, . (Conference or Workshop Paper)