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Contributions in Merlin

Michel Habib, Josef Falkinger, Principle of Opportunism: Discretion, Capital, and Incentives, co-authored with Josef Falkinger, In: Swiss Finance Institute Research Paper No. 17-73 , No. No. 17-73, . (Working Paper)
Steffen Schuldenzucker, Sven Seuken, Stefano Battiston, Default ambiguity: credit default swaps create new systemic risks in financial networks, In: SSRN, No. 3043708, 2017. (Working Paper)
Veronika Stolbova, Stefano Battiston, Mauro Napoletano, Andrea Roventini, Financialization of Europe: a comparative perspective, In: ISIGrowth, No. 22, 2017. (Working Paper)
Steffen Schuldenzucker, Sven Seuken, Stefano Battiston, The Computational Complexity of Clearing Financial Networks with Credit Default Swaps, In:, No. 1710.01578, 2017. (Working Paper)
Show abstractVeronika Stolbova, Irene Monasterolo, Stefano Battiston, A Financial Macro-Network Approach to Climate Policy Evaluation, In: SSRN, No. 3073191, 2017. (Working Paper)
Show abstractAndreas Karpf, Antoine Mandel, Stefano Battiston, Price and Network Dynamics in the European Carbon Market, In: EconPapers, No. -, 2017. (Working Paper)
Danilo Delpini, Stefano Battiston, Guido Caldarelli, Massimo Riccaboni, The Network of US Mutual Fund Investments: Diversification, Similarity and Fragility throughout the Global Financial Crisis, In:, No. 1801.02205, 2018. (Working Paper)
Show abstractMichael Feldman, Frida Juldaschewa, Abraham Bernstein, Data Analytics on Online Labor Markets: Opportunities and Challenges, In:, No. 1707.01790, 2017. (Working Paper)
Show abstractLucas Fuhrer, Liquidity in the Repo Market, In: Swiss National Bank Working Papers, No. 6, 2017. (Working Paper)
Show abstractManuel Mariani, Matus Medo, François Lafond, Early identification of important patents through network centrality, In: INET Oxford Working Papers, No. 2017-12, 2017. (Working Paper)
Peter Höschler, Uschi Backes-Gellner, The relative importance of personal characteristics for the hiring of young workers, In: Swiss Leading House "Economics of Education" Working Paper, No. 142, 2017. (Working Paper)
Johannes Meuer, Michèle Angstmann, Kerstin Pull, Uschi Backes-Gellner, Christian Tröster, Embeddedness and the repatriation intention of assigned and self-initiated expatriates, In: UZH Business Working Paper Series, No. 373, 2017. (Working Paper)
Peter Höschler, Simone Balestra, Uschi Backes-Gellner, The Development of non-cognitive skills in adolescence, In: Swiss Leading House "Economics of Education" Working Paper, No. 138, 2017. (Working Paper)
Show abstractHarald Pfeifer, Uschi Backes-Gellner, Another piece of the puzzle: Firms' investment in training as optimization of skills inventory, In: Swiss Leading House "Economics of Education" Working Paper, No. 136, 2017. (Working Paper)
Show abstractErich Walter Farkas, Alexander Smirnow, Intrinsic Risk Measures, In: Swiss Finance Institute Research Paper, No. 16-65, 2016. (Working Paper)
Show abstractCiprian Necula, An Approximation of an Equivalent European Payoff for the American Put Option, In: SSRN, No. 2892152, 2017. (Working Paper)
Show abstractErich Walter Farkas, Ciprian Necula, The Dynamics of Heterogeneity and Asset Prices, In: SSRN, No. 2973276, 2017. (Working Paper)
Show abstractDelia Coculescu, Monique Jeanblanc, Some No-Arbitrage Rules for Converging Asset Prices under Short-Sales Constraints, In: HAL, No. 01589416, 2017. (Working Paper)
Show abstractAlexander Wagner, Richard J Zeckhauser, Alexandre Ziegler, Paths to Convergence: Stock Price Behavior After Donald Trump's Election, In: Swiss Finance Institute Research Paper, No. 17-36, 2018. (Working Paper)
Show abstractDelia Coculescu, A default system with overspilling contagion, In: SSRN, No. 3004484, 2017. (Working Paper)