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Contribution Details

Type Journal Article
Scope Discipline-based scholarship
Title What determines the level of IPO gross spreads? Underwriter profits and the cost of going public
Organization Unit
  • Björn Bartling
  • Andreas Park
Item Subtype Original Work
Refereed Yes
Status Published in final form
  • English
Journal Title International Review of Economics and Finance
Publisher Elsevier
Geographical Reach international
ISSN 1059-0560
Volume 18
Number 1
Page Range 81 - 109
Date 2009
Abstract Text This paper addresses three empirical findings of the literature on initial public offerings. (i) Why do investment banks earn positive profits in a competitive market? (ii) Why do banks receive lower gross spreads in venture capitalist (VC) backed than in non-VC backed IPOs? (iii) Why is underpricing more pronounced in VC than in non-VC backed IPOs? While each phenomenon can be explained by itself, there is no explanation yet why all three occur simultaneously. We propose an integrated theoretical framework to address this issue. The IPO procedure is modeled as a two-stage signaling game: In the second stage banks set offer prices given their private information and the level of the spread. Issuing firms anticipate their bank’s pricing decision and, in the first stage, set spreads to maximize expected revenue. Investors are aware of this process and subscribe only if their expected profits are non-negative. Firms’ equilibrium spreads are large so as to induce banks to set high prices, allowing banks to make profits. Superiorly informed VC backed firms impose smaller spreads but face larger underpricing than non-VC backed firms.
Digital Object Identifier 10.1016/j.iref.2007.06.006
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