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Contributions in Merlin

Andreas Scherer, Entries “Activism” (p. 11-12), “Anti-globalization” (p. 19-21), “Race to the Bottom” (p. 383-384), “Social Justice” (p. 423-424), Sweatshops” (p. 451-452), In: The A to Z of Corporate Social Responsibility, Wiley, London, p. 11 - 12, 2007. (Book Chapter)
Show abstractDorothee Baumann-Pauly, Andreas Scherer, Guido Palazzo, Global Public Rules and Citizenship Rights: A New Responsibility of Private Business Firms?, In: Corporate Ethics and Corporate Governance, Springer, Berlin, p. 309 - 326, 2007. (Book Chapter)
Show abstractWilliam McKinley, Andreas Scherer, Unholy Affinity? Free Trade Theory, Postmodernism, and the Multinational Enterprise, In: Internationales Management im Umbruch – Globalisierungsbedingte Einwirkungen auf Theorie und Praxis Internationaler Unternehmensführung, Deutscher Universitäts-Verlag, Wiesbaden, p. 65 - 84, 2007. (Book Chapter)
Show abstractDorothee Baumann-Pauly, Andreas Scherer, Guido Palazzo, Global Rules and Private Actors – Towards a New Role of the Transnational Corporation in Global Governance, In: Internationales Management im Umbruch – Globalisierungsbedingte Einwirkungen auf Theorie und Praxis Internationaler Unternehmensführung, Deutscher Universitäts-Verlag, Wiesbaden, p. 3 - 39, 2007. (Book Chapter)
Show abstractGuido Palazzo, Andreas Scherer, Organizational Legitimacy as Deliberation: Towards a New Political Role of the Business Firm, In: Individuum und Organisation. Neue Trends eines organisationswissenschaftlichen Forschungsfeldes, Deutscher Universitätsverlag, Wiesbaden, p. 17 - 42, 2007. (Book Chapter)
Show abstractDorothee Baumann-Pauly, Andreas Scherer, The Role of the Transnational Corporation in the Process of Legalization: Insights from Economics and Corporate Social Responsibility, In: Law and Legalization in Transnational Relations, Oxford, p. 202 - 225, 2007. (Book Chapter)
Show abstractDorothee Baumann-Pauly, Andreas Scherer, Corporate Citizenship: Herausforderung für die Unternehmenskommunikation, In: Handbuch Unternehmenskommunikation, Gabler, Wiesbaden, p. 858 - 873, 2007. (Book Chapter)
Special Issue on “The Philosophical Foundations of Knowledge Management: Consequences for Organization Theory and Practice”, Edited by: Andreas Scherer, J.-C. Spender, Organization, 2007. (Edited Scientific Work)
Jeremie Mattout, C Philips, Jean Daunizeau, K J Friston, Bayesian inversion for induced responses, In: Statistical Parametric Mapping, United Kingdom, p. 377 - 390, 2007. (Book Chapter)
Jeremie Mattout, C Philips, Jean Daunizeau, K J Friston, Bayesian inversion of EEG models, In: Statistical Parametric Mapping, United Kingdom, p. 367 - 375, 2007. (Book Chapter)
Saad Jbabdi, P Bellec, Toro R, Jean Daunizeau, Melanie Pelegrini-Issac, Habib Benali, Accurate anisotropic fast marching for diffusion-based geodesic tractography, Int. J. Biomed. Imag., 2007. (Journal Article)
K J Friston, L M Harrison, Jean Daunizeau, S J Kiebel, C Philips, Nelson Trujillo-Barreto, R N Henson, Jeremie Mattout, Multiple sparse priors for the M/EEG inverse problem, Neuroimage, Vol. 39, 2007. (Journal Article)
S J Kiebel, Jean Daunizeau, C Philips, K J Friston, Variational Bayesian inversion of the equivalent current dipole model in EEG/MEG, Neuroimage, Vol. 39, 2007. (Journal Article)
Jean Daunizeau, K J Friston, A mesostate-space model for EEG and MEG, Neuroimage, Vol. 38, 2007. (Journal Article)
Jean Daunizeau, Christophe Grova, Guillaume Marrelec, Jeremie Mattout, Saad Jbabdi, Melanie Pelegrini-Issac, Jean-Marc Lina, Habib Benali, Symmetrical event-related EEG/fMRI information fusion in a variational Bayesian framework, Neuroimage, Vol. 3, 2007. (Journal Article)
Zeitschrift für KMU und Entrepreneurship (ZfKE), Edited by: T Volery, U Fueglistaller, Uschi Backes-Gellner, Duncker & Humblot, Berlin, 2007. (Edited Scientific Work)
Show abstractIsabelle Kern, Sybille Sachs, Edwin Rühli, Stakeholder relations and maintaining the licence to operate: a comparative case study of the Swiss telecommunications industry, Corporate Governance, Vol. 7 (4), 2007. (Journal Article)
Urs Meister, Elektrizitätsmarkt: Wettbewerb und Entflechtung des „Swiss Grid“: Der Rückzug der Kantone als wichtiger Schritt in der Liberalisierung des Strommarkts, 2007. (Studies and Reports Commissionned)
H Gintis, S Bowles, Ernst Fehr, Explaining altrusitic behaviour in humans, In: The Oxford Handbook of Evolutionary Psychology, Oxford University Press, Oxford, UK, p. 605 - 619, 2007. (Book Chapter)
Stephan Nüesch, The economics of superstars and celebrities, Dt. Univ.-Verl., Wiesbaden, 2007. (Book/Research Monograph)