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Contribution Details

Type Working Paper
Scope Discipline-based scholarship
Title A teoretical analysis of the influence of money injections on risk taking in Football Clubs
Organization Unit
  • Egon Franck
  • Markus Lang
  • English
Institution University of Zurich. Institute for Strategy and Business Economics
Series Name Working Paper Series
Number 160
ISSN 1660-1157
Number of Pages 30
Date 2013
Abstract Text This paper analyzes the adverse incentive effects produced by money injections of benefactors (sugar daddies SD). We show that the existence of a SD induces the club to choose a riskier investment strategy and the more the SD commits to bailout the club, the more the clubs’ optimal level of riskiness increases. Moreover, a private SD bails out the club less often than a public SD. Our model further shows that a ”too-big-to-fail” phenomenon exists because it is optimal to always bailout a club if its market size is sufficiently large.
Other Identification Number merlin-id:18201
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