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Contribution Details

Type Bachelor's Thesis
Scope Discipline-based scholarship
Title ARTIS - Art Tracking with IoT and Blockchain
Organization Unit
  • Jordi Küffer
  • Eryk Jerzy Schiller
  • Thomas Bocek
  • Bruno Bastos Rodrigues
  • Burkhard Stiller
  • English
Institution University of Zurich
Faculty Faculty of Business, Economics and Informatics
Date 2023
Abstract Text This thesis delves into the convergence of the Internet of Things (IoT) and Blockchain technologies, focusing on the innovative application of these technologies within artwork transportation. The main goal is to introduce a system that capitalizes on IoT and blockchain to enhance the tracking and management of artwork during transportation processes. In pursuit of this goal, the study adopts a dual-pronged methodology. A comprehensive literature review provides a foundational understanding of the underlying principles. Subsequently, an applied research approach is employed, culminating in designing, implementing, and evaluating a prototype tailored to the intricacies of artwork transportation. The outcome of this thesis is ARTIS, a real-world prototype that effectively supports the targeted artwork tracking use case. However, it is acknowledged that further strides are needed to refine the prototype, particularly in safeguarding sensitive data and optimizing sensor accuracy. The significance of this work lies in its innovative amalgamation of IoT and blockchain technologies, presenting a novel avenue for addressing challenges in the artwork transportation domain. By demonstrating the feasibility of such a system, this thesis lays the groundwork for future endeavors to advance this concept into a production-ready solution.
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