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Contribution Details

Type Master's Thesis
Scope Discipline-based scholarship
Title Conception and Implementation of Routing Algorithm for Accessible Walking Routes for People with Mobility Impairments
Organization Unit
  • Calvin Mtichell Ongkingco
  • Chatchavan Wacharamanotham
  • Alireza Darvishi
  • English
Institution University of Zurich
Faculty Faculty of Business, Economics and Informatics
Date 2022
Abstract Text Mobility in our environment is one of the crucial things we think about when choosing places and finding things to do. However, this can be difficult for individuals with reduced mobility as they need to know the environment in advance to find accessible paths and navigate their way around. Information regarding route accessibility using routing applications is not always available, making it difficult for people with reduced mobility to be independent. Geographical attributes that work for one set of users would differ from another as preferences can differ for each individual. This paper provides a design and implementation of a web-based application that helps improve the mobility independence of users within a given environment with consideration of the user preferences. weMove is a route planning tool that provides users with recommended routes based on their preferences. weMove also provides a simulation environment and analysis tool using the concept of Wheelchair Accessibility Cost in determining the route score that can be useful in evaluating accessible routes for pedestrians with reduced mobility along with the requirements of user-profiles with reduced mobility that can improve accessibility and routing within the built environment.
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