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Contribution Details

Type Working Paper
Scope Discipline-based scholarship
Title An Approximation of an Equivalent European Payoff for the American Put Option
Organization Unit
  • Ciprian Necula
  • English
Institution University of Zurich
Series Name SSRN
Number 2892152
Number of Pages 12
Date 2017
Abstract Text Is the American put option in the Black-Scholes model simply an incognito European one? In this paper, we develop a numerical procedure, in the context of the Black-Scholes model, to approximate the payoff of a European type option that generates prices that are equal to the prices of the American put option in the continuation region. The resulting equivalent European payoff is a sum of power payoffs and therefore the price and the hedging indicators can be computed in closed form. For a given set of model parameters (interest rate, dividend rate and volatility) the computation of the equivalent European payoff reduces to solving a linear optimization problem. We conduct a numerical experiment spanning a wide range of model parameters and contract characteristics and, overall, the method produces American option prices with a relative RMSE less than 0.01% compared to a benchmark.
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