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Contribution Details

Type Bachelor's Thesis
Scope Discipline-based scholarship
Title Optimal Risk Sharing in the Financial Industry
Organization Unit
  • Nemanja Malesevic
  • Erich Walter Farkas
  • Ludovic Mathys
  • English
Institution University of Zurich
Faculty Faculty of Business, Economics and Informatics
Date 2017
Abstract Text In order to introduce the basic concepts and theories needed for understanding the importance of risk sharing in finance, this literature-based thesis starts with the imperfect risk perception and in particular places a focus on the cognitive and behavioural biases that characterize the modern finance, showing the fundamental differences with the Efficient Market Hypothesis. In the core part of the thesis, we analyse some financial instruments that enable the risk sharing in finance and lead to more flexibility in the financial markets. Therefore, the main part of this work comprises the application of optimal risk sharing in finance, showing the feasible utilizations in various fields of the financial industry, such as asset management, investment banking and risk management. The final part of the work will outline the possible involvement of game theory on the optimization of contracts across individuals. To conclude the thesis, we will concentrate on the interdisciplinary correlation among the various fields and discuss some general arguments.
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