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Contribution Details

Type Master's Thesis
Scope Discipline-based scholarship
Title Asian company stock reactions to the 2016 US election surprise
Organization Unit
  • Jingting Luo
  • Alexander Wagner
  • English
Institution University of Zurich
Faculty Faculty of Business, Economics and Informatics
Number of Pages 43
Date 2017
Abstract Text This paper investigates Japanese and Chinese stock reactions to the 2016 US Election surprise from three perspectives: foreign revenue, foreign ownership and exchange rate exposure. It is found that companies which depend less on foreign revenue and expose less to JPY/USD or CNY/USD fluctuations but have higher fraction of foreign ownership outperformed in the very short term. The situation reversed in a longer term, when foreign-dependent equities outperformed instead. Comparably, Japanese stocks reacted more strongly than Chinese stocks. Tracing the link between stock reactions and US ownership, this paper discovers a potential capital inflow and outflow during the time horizon.
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