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Contribution Details

Type Conference Presentation
Scope Discipline-based scholarship
Title Dynamics in network games with local coordination and global congestion effects
Organization Unit
  • Contribution from another University/Organization than University of Zurich
  • Gianluca Brero
  • Giacomo Como
  • Fabio Fagnani
Presentation Type paper
Item Subtype Original Work
Refereed Yes
Status Published electronically before print/final form (Epub ahead of print)
  • English
Event Title 53rd IEEE Conference on Decision and Control
Event Type conference
Event Location Los Angeles, California
Event Start Date December 15 - 2014
Event End Date December 17 - 2014
Abstract Text Several strategic interactions over social networks display both negative and positive externalities at the same time. E.g., participation to a social media website with limited resources is more appealing the more of your friends participate, while a large total number of participants may slow down the website (because of congestion effects) thus making it less appealing. Similarly, while there are often incentives to choose the same telephone company as the friends and relatives with whom you interact the most frequently, concentration of the market share in the hands of a single firm typically leads to higher costs because of the lack of competition. In this work, we study evolutionary dynamics in network games where the payoff of each player is influenced both by the actions of her neighbours in the network, and by the aggregate of the actions of all the players in the network. In particular, we consider cases where the payoff increases in the number of neighbours who choose the same action (local coordination effect) and decreases in the total number of players choosing the same action (global congestion effect). We study noisy best- response dynamics in networks which are the union of two complete graphs, and prove that the asymptotic behaviour of the invariant probability distribution is characterised by two phase transitions with respect to a parameter measuring the relative strength of the local coordination and the global congestion effects. Extensions to connected networks with strong community structure are studied through Monte Carlo simulations.
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