@inproceedings{publication-9430, address={IEEE Computer Society}, author={Bruneo, Dario and Fritz, Thomas and Keidar-Barner, Sharon and Leitner, Philipp and Longo, Francesco and Marquezan, Clarissa and Metzger, Andreas and Pohl, Klaus and Puliafito, Antonio and Raz, Danny and Roth, Andreas and Salant, Eliot and Segall, Itai and Villari, Massimo and Wolfsthal, Yaron and Woods, Chris}, booktitle={Proceedings of the Fourth International Workshop on Management of Cloud Systems (MoCS 2014)}, doi={10.1109/ISCC.2014.6912638}, month={JUN}, publisher={IEEE}, title={CloudWave: where adaptive cloud management meets DevOps}, year=2014, }