@unpublished{publication-24113, author={Blackburn, Angelique M and Han, Hyemin and Jeftic, Alma and St{\"o}ckli, Sabrina and Gelpi, Rebekah and Ortiz, Alida Maria Acosta and Travaglino, Giovanni A and Alvarado, Rebecca and Lacko, David and Milfont, Taciano L and Chrona, Stavroula and Griffin, Siobhán M and Tamayo-Agudelo, William and Lee, Yookyung and Vestergren, Sara}, doi={10.31234/osf.io/75jq2}, institution={University of Bern, University of Zurich}, issn={0010-9452}, number={75jq2}, series={PsyArXiv Preprints}, title={Predictors of Compliance with COVID-19 Guidelines Across Countries: The role of social norms, moral values, trust, stress, and demographic factors}, year=2023, }